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Lynda reduced her HbA1c to within normal levels

Lynda reduced her HbA1c to within normal levels

Published on 9th Jun, 2022

Lynda Harrison decided to switch to a low carb lifestyle after struggling with side effects of her medication.

“I just discovered it on my own really…I just went on Google to look for alternatives and that’s when I read about the low carb diet. That’s when I also discovered Diabetes.co.uk and the Low Carb Program”

Being used to eat a high carb diet, initially Lynda struggled to make the changes but then started experimenting with low carb recipes. She makes her own low carb rolls out of psyllium husk and flax seed for example. She’s managed to reduce her HbA1c from 93 mmol/mol (10.7%) to 40 mmol/mol (5.8%), meaning its no longer within diabetic range.

“You’ve got to be determined, remove any temptation from your cupboards such as crisps or chocolate bars. You’ve got to be more prepared, there is a lot more effort that goes in. You need to spend more time preparing meals for example, but it is worth it. It may seem expensive but you are eating a lot less and it doesn’t take much to help you feel full.”

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