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Our community's top 5 weight loss mistakes

Our community's top 5 weight loss mistakes

Published on 8th Jun, 2022

A low carb lifestyle is well known for its weight loss benefits. So, it can be frustrating when we weigh ourselves and see the number on the scales stay the same.

If you think you’re doing everything right, but the scale just isn’t budging, here are the top 5 weight loss mistakes from the Low Carb Program’s community.

“I had just started and wasn’t being patient”


When making the change to a low carb lifestyle, it may take you some time to adjust to this new way of eating. Some people may experience initial weight loss, due to fluid loss, but then find that they plateau afterwards. While it might feel disheartening to not see consistent weight loss, everyone is different, so the key is to be patient.

“I was feeling stressed and hadn’t been sleeping well”


Many of us might find it difficult to lose weight if we’re feeling stressed or sleep deprived. This is due to how these factors affect hormone regulation. Stress and lack of sleep can lead to elevated levels of the hormone cortisol, which is linked with raised blood glucose and insulin levels. Insulin acts as the fat storage hormone, so it makes sense that we might struggle to lose weight if we’re feeling stressed or haven’t slept well. For some tools to help you de-stress have a look at our 5 stress busting tips.

“I was eating too much fat”


The amount of fat someone will want to include in their diet can depend on their individual goal. For someone who’s looking to lose weight, they will typically want to eat less fat than someone who is looking to maintain or gain weight. If you find that you’re not losing weight, it might be because your body is receiving enough energy from fat in your diet that it has no need to use stored fat. You could try lowering your fat intake to see if this kickstarts your weight loss.

“I didn’t take into account the menopause”


Some women may experience fluid retention just before starting their period due to hormonal fluctuations. This means during this time you may find the number on the scales stays the same (or even goes up!). Its important to remember that this is usually temporary and generally will resolve after the period starts.

Women experiencing the menopause may also find it difficult to lose weight. Research has yet to pinpoint the reason, but it may be due to lower levels of oestrogen impacting on metabolism and body fat distribution [1].

“I was eating too many carbs”


A low carb diet involves eating fewer than 130g of carbs a day. We suggest aiming for this amount in the beginning and then adjusting to suit your own individual goals.

You might also find it helpful to track your carb intake using the food diary. Keeping a log of your food provides you with a greater awareness of what you’re eating and can help you decide if something needs to change. For example, you might find that some foods are higher in carbs that you realise. Hidden carbs are everywhere, even in some seemingly ‘safe’ foods. But by knowing these sources, you can look for alternatives and increase your chances of reaching your weight loss goals.

Discover more tips to kickstart your weight loss when you join the Low Carb Program. 


[1]       Van Pelt, R.E., Gavin, K.M. and Kohrt, W.M., 2015. Regulation of body composition and bioenergetics by estrogens. Endocrinology and Metabolism Clinics, 44(3), pp.663-676.

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