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Since January I’ve lost 2 stone 12.5lbs and 11½ inches off my waist

Since January I’ve lost 2 stone 12.5lbs and 11½ inches off my waist

Published on 9th Jun, 2022

In January 2020, Dawn was called back to her GP surgery, which she assumed was to discuss her diabetes medication. At the appointment, Dawn was greeted by a locum doctor who informed Dawn about her elevated thyroid levels. The doctor mentioned that usually they would look to prescribe medication, but instead Dawn’s doctor began talking to her about low carb diets. Dawn left the appointment that day feeling hopeful and from this point on, went cold turkey.


At first she was researching low carb diets and doing it alone, then Dawn decided to sign up to the Low Carb Program in March. It was at this time, that the Low Carb Program had begun holding regular virtual meet ups for members. At first Dawn felt a bit shy, but one Monday night she thought why not join and see what it’s all about “I came on and I haven’t missed one ever since”.

“I’ve really enjoyed the program. Even though I got it on special offer, I would have paid double the full price for all of the support you get and everything that happens on the program”.

Dawn goes on to explain, “since January I’ve lost 2 stone 12.5lbs and 11½ inches off my waist. That’s the biggest thing for me, actually being able to see my body shape changing”.


Having already gone from 24st to 15st 9lbs, Dawn’s long-term goal is to get close to 12st. Aside from the impressive weight loss journey Dawn has been on, she has also managed to come off all of her diabetes medication and has reduced her HbA1c from 92 mmol/mol to 43 mmol/mol.


Are you looking to start your journey to better health and wanting to get results like Dawn's?

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