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12 Week Challenge: when will I see health improvements?

12 Week Challenge: when will I see health improvements?

Published on 24th May, 2022
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Whether you've just started the Low Carb Program to do the 12 Week Challenge or you are getting back on the wagon, you’re probably aware that reducing your carb intake can have many benefits for your health such as weight loss, reduced insulin levels and improved blood sugar control.

While everyone is different, and the benefits you experience might depend on individual factors such as your starting carb target. Here are improvements you might typically experience at different stages of your low carb journey:

After 1 week

During the first week while you’re still getting adjusted to this new way of eating, you might start to see some changes. For example, if you were used to feeling tired mid-afternoon, you might find that your energy levels are now more balanced. You might also find that you’re sleeping better and don’t feel as hungry as usual. Our low carb champion John Nevans for example said that at the start of his low carb journey he was surprised that he didn’t feel hungry at lunchtime after switching to eating poached eggs for breakfast.

It’s not uncommon to also experience symptoms of ‘low carb flu’ during your first week of low carb. But, don’t panic, these usually resolve after a few weeks once you’ve become adjusted. Read our article on ‘common side effects of going low carb’ for some more information.


After 1 month

While some people might experience changes in bowel habits as a temporary side effect of switching to low carb. After becoming more accustomed to this new way of eating, you might find, like John Collins, that you start to experience improvements in digestive issues such as acid reflux.

During the first month your friends might also start noticing that you’ve lost weight, even if the number on the scales hasn’t changed. Mark Chadbourne for example, lost 6kg (1st) during his first month on low carb.

You should also begin to experience improvements in blood glucose levels, if you’re choosing to measure them.


After 3 months

After 3 months of following a low carb lifestyle, you would have completed the core modules of the Low Carb Program and have a firm understanding of what foods are low in carbs. This means that you’re likely to experience fewer blood sugar spikes and possibly a lower HbA1c reading the next time you have a blood test. You might also find that you’re feeling better overall within yourself.


After 6 months

Within 6 months, your blood sugar levels may have reduced even further. Peter Thompson was able to reduce his HbA1c to within normal levels, but it’s important to remember that any reduction you experience within 6 months is still a fantastic achievement.

You might also experience more positive mental wellbeing. Danabhadri Fergusson believes that going low carb helped to improve her mental state and she felt more confident in her ability to succeed.


After 1 year

After one year of following the Low Carb Program, research has shown that one in four people can achieve and maintain remission from type 2 diabetes and lose an average of 7.4kg (1st 2 lbs). This was certainly the case for our low carb champion Connie, who was able to lose an incredible 51kg (8st) on low carb and place her type 2 diabetes into remission, meaning she no longer had to take medication.

She talks about her experience on the Low Carb Program “I like to think that I’ve saved our NHS thousands of pounds, in both tackling my weight on my own and no longer needing medication for the diabetes itself”


If you aren't already a member of the Low Carb Program and want to be a part of our 12 Week Challenge sign up below!


[1]      Saslow, L.R., Summers, C., Aikens, J.E. and Unwin, D.J., 2018. Outcomes of a Digitally Delivered Low-Carbohydrate Type 2 Diabetes Self-Management Program: 1-Year Results of a Single-Arm Longitudinal Study. JMIR diabetes, 3(3), p.e12.

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